I just want to, like… groom her

Felicia Day is such a cutie. I first watched her in the excellent web series Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog (a Joss Whedon production starring Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion and the aforementioned) and was impressed that even amongst those two larger-than-life actors she held her own.

Prior to Dr. Horrible, Ms. Day was already Internet famous for creating and acting in the web series The Guild, which is the fairly unfunny story of Felicia and her wacky World of Warcraft guildmates. I’m sure that any WoWers reading this already know about the show, but if you’ve somehow missed out it’s worth a try.

I think the story that in my mind cements Felicia Day as being utterly awesome is the story of how she and Tycho of Penny Arcade met at PAX ’08. PAX (Penny Arcade Expo) has strangely enough turned into the largest video game convention in North America, and Felicia was on hand for reasons both work and recreational.

Her first meeting with Tycho resulted in this conversation after the fact. Having either kept up with the strip while the show rolled on, Felicia then came back around and… Well, I’ll just quote Tycho directly:

I also saw Felicia Day at the show, who gave me a brush and told me to groom her. This is a thing that really happened, and it was bizarre, but not so bizarre that I wouldn’t do it. It was like brushing a unicorn.

Here’s the act captured on film for posterity. Point is, any girl who’s got a sense of humour like that deserves all the geek love she can get.