The Toronto of March 30th, 2010

My walk home on the 29th was so beautiful that the next morning, hoping for a repeat of the same weather, I carted my 40D with me to work and back, taking photos all the way. Here are the results.

Photo #1: In the morning, I walk a half block south to King St. E and ride four or five stops to Bay St. (The somewhat leaner Canadian version of Wall Street.) The first photo is taken right after I’ve gotten off, having turned on my heel to take a photo of the streetcar that delivered me there.

Photo #2: In warmer weather I’ll take my time and walk south on Bay St. all the way to work (which is at the southernmost point of the street, where Bay St. meets the lake). But it’s only 4C out and a bus is approaching, so I’ll hop on it instead. That partially-constructed building in the photo is the new Trump International Hotel & Tower, a five-star hotel slash luxury condominium.

Photo #3: Skip forward ten hours – I’m on my walk home. Here, facing west, is Toronto’s Flatiron Building (more properly known as the Gooderham Building). Interesting, the Gooderham precedes its more famous cousin in NYC.

Photo #4: Still heading east on Front St. we catch a glimpse of The Cathedral Church of St. James. Apparently the stone foundations were put up in 1833 only to have the entire thing burn down a dozen years later. They did a nice job of rebuilding over the next thirty years.

Photo #5: Further yet east on Front St., I glance back westwards and take a photo of the Gooderham Building. Flanking it (left to right) are the CN Tower, the Brookfield Place buildings, and the Royal Bank skyscraper in between them (which derives its colour from its 24 karat gold coating).

Photo #6: A now unused Canadian Bank of Commerce building at Jarvis St. and King St. E. Love the architecture.

Photo #7: A clearer view of The Cathedral Church of St. James. The purplish skyscraper behind it is Scotiabank’s Scotia Plaza. Actually, the second photo in this series contains the historic facade that now serves as the base of the new sixty-storey building.

Photo #8: I don’t really know much about this building other than it’s kind of nice to look at and it’s all condos.

Photo #9: Here it is again! Taken from the corner of Jarvis St. and Adelaide St. E.

Okay – that’s it! Sorry if that’s a little abrupt – it turned out that not too many of the photos I snapped were serviceable. I’ll do better next time.