Permutations and combinations: What they are, and the formula to determine them


A selection of objects in which the order of the objects matters.

nPk = n! / (n - k)!

Example: If we wanted to get the number of permutations in which 6 people could be seated into 4 chairs, we’d find that it would be 360 permutations in total:

6P4 = 6! / (6 - 4)! = 720 / 2 = 360


The number of possible combination of r objects from a set on n objects.

nCk = n! / ( k! * (n - k)! )

Example: Let’s say instead we want to get the number of combinations in which 6 people could be seated into 4 chairs; we’d find that it would be 15 combinations in total:

6C4 = 6! / ( 4! * (6 - 4)! ) = 720 / ( 24 * 2 ) = 720 / 48 = 15


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