Ask Hacker News: “What should I build to support my web app?”

I had this really great post on Hacker News forwarded my way. It was worth reprinting here so I can reference it later when I need it.

Ask HN: What should I build to support my web app?

What you need on day one:

  1. Something which solves problems for people. I assume you’ve got this covered.
  2. Some way to charge people money for solving their problems. I like Paypal with e-junkie — total integration time under 2 hours. Your mileage may vary if you do subscriptions rather than one-time payments. Subscriptions scare me. Look into Spreedly.

What you may eventually want to build, buy, adapt from OSS code, etc (I have all of these in production and run a very small business):

  1. Analytics software. Google Analytics is an easy snap-in for 1.0.
  2. Conversion tracking. Again, GA for easy snap-in.
  3. Funnel tracking. I like Mixpanel as opposed to GA. You can find out why later.
  4. A CMS to publish content (for any definition of content) in a fashion which scales out of proportion to your personal time invested.
  5. Blogging software because every small business should have a blog. WordPress is an easy snap-in.
  6. Read More

Output data from PostgreSQL as a CSV without use of COPY

Here’s a one-line command that bypasses the necessity of the COPY privilege in being able to output data in comma-separated value (CSV) format:

psql -U username -h -W database -F ',' -t -A -c 'SELECT * FROM Users' -o outputfile.csv

Also useful is taking input from a file (which helps avoid issues with quote characters):

psql -U username -h -W database -F ',' -t -A -f input.sql -o outputfile.csv

You’re probably already familiar with most of these options, but the less common ones are:

  • -F changes the field separator to the , character
  • -t outputs the rows without their column names (which seems to undo the use of -F)
  • -A un-centers the row output
  • -c contains the actual query you wish to run
  • -f takes input of the query you wish to run from a file
  • -o redirects the output of the query to the specified file

Getting Aptana Studio 3 working with GitHub on your Windows PC

While setting up my laptop to do development work on I came to the realization that I’ve always gotten my IDE running using a patchwork quilt of websites, each providing small but crucial tips on getting a Rails dev environment with GitHub integration working smoothly under Windows. Here’s my attempt to put all those tips in an ordered list for others to benefit from.inflatables for sale in canada

This guide assumes you’ve already created yourself a GitHub account, so if you haven’t gotten to that yet, head on over and spend the two minutes it takes to register and verify an account.

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XPATH query for a node based on its value

Found the article Locating the node by value containing whitespaces using XPath on Stack Overflow – reprinted here so I don’t forget it:

If you know the exact value of the node – say it’s “Hello World” with a space used jumpers for sale:

   <aChild>Hello World</aChild>

Then the XPath expression:

/top/aChild[.='Hello World']

will select this node.

The persuasive power of returning the favour

Ever send out a round of surveys to your customers and get anemic results? Give it another try – but this time, automatically credit each customer a small ($5) amount. Odds are your customers will feel obliged to reciprocate for the gift and be much more responsive.

Harvard Business Review – Seize the Persuasive Moment after “Thank You”

You are more likely to invite a neighbor to the party you’re hosting this weekend if they have previously invited you to one of theirs. You can be persuaded to leave the waiter a bigger tip if he places a piece of candy on the table along with your check. Fundraisers can increase the chances that you will make a contribution if they accompany their request itself with a small gift.

The principle is reciprocation: the psychological phenomenon in which we feel drawn to repay what another has provided for us first. An obvious idea, but understanding its nuances can enhance your ability to build stronger networks, create more trusting relationships, encourage long term collaboration and become more influential over others.

What is particularly fascinating about the way reciprocation works is the order of the exchange. Unlike a traditional “if you help me then I will help you” transaction, reciprocation requires us to take the lead and be the first to give in the hope that the recipient will play by the rule and respond accordingly. This isn’t as naïve as it sounds; numerous studies have in fact shown that if we give first, those we invest in will very often live up to their obligations — often even more than when we demand the initial move.

A series of studies conducted by my Yes! co-authors Robert Cialdini and Noah Goldstein show how this played out in a business setting, looking, for example, at how hotels asked customers to reuse their linens. The study showed that when guests were informed that the hotel had already made a donation to an environmental organization, those guests were 45% more likely to reuse their towels and linens. This was compared to a standard approach in which guests were told that the hotel would make a donation only if they reused their towels first. Compared to this standard incentive-based message, the”give-first” strategy resulted in a more desirable change in guests’ behavior, more environmentally protective outcomes, and increased cost savings for the hotel.

The same holds for other situations that require an element of persuasion. In another series of studies, researchers sought to persuade business executives to complete health and safety questionnaires about their organisation. They found that the inclusion of a $5 gift doubled the response rate compared to the promise of a reward of $50. Not only did the gift trump the reward in terms of response, success came at a tenth of the price.

The proven performance of protest

By way of Yves Smith’s excellent blog Naked Capitalism is this piece in yesterday’s The Independent about the power that protest still hold in today’s society.

The Independent – Johann Hari: Protest works. Just look at the proof

There is a ripple of rage spreading across Britain. It is clearer every day that the people of this country have been colossally scammed. The bankers who crashed the economy are richer and fatter than ever, on our cash. The Prime Minister who promised us before the election “we’re not talking about swingeing cuts” just imposed the worst cuts since the 1920s, condemning another million people to the dole queue.

Yet the rage is matched by a flailing sense of impotence. We are furious, but we feel there is nothing we can do. There’s a mood that we have been stitched up by forces more powerful and devious than us, and all we can do is sit back and be shafted.

This mood is wrong. It doesn’t have to be this way – if enough of us act to stop it.

[Let’s] look at a group of protesters who thought they had failed. The protests within the United States against the Vietnam War couldn’t prevent it killing three million Vietnamese and 80,000 Americans. But even in the years it was “failing”, it was achieving more than the protestors could possibly have known. In 1966, the specialists at the Pentagon went to US President Lyndon Johnson – a thug prone to threatening to “crush” entire elected governments – with a plan to end the Vietnam War: nuke the country. They “proved”, using their computer modeling, that a nuclear attack would “save lives.”

It was a plan that might well have appealed to him. But Johnson pointed out the window, towards the hoardes of protesters, and said: “I have one more problem for your computer. Will you feed into it how long it will take 500,000 angry Americans to climb the White House wall out there and lynch their President?” He knew that there would be a cost – in protest and democratic revolt – that made that cruelty too great.

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Matt & Kim @ Phoenix Concert Theatre (Toronto) 2010

Photos from Christabel’s Panasonic DMC-LX3 camera from last night’s Matt & Kim concert at the Phoenix Concert Theatre in Toronto. Great show as always – though they’ve stated they’ll never again do a cover of The Final Countdown, they’ve swapped in a cover of Alice Deejay’s Better Off Alone instead!

Mass granting of privileges to a PostgreSQL user

Found this a few minutes ago and already lost the source URL. With PostgreSQL requiring you to add data manipulation privileges on a table-by-table basis, it’s handy to have a method to spit out a list of GRANT commands to run when you want to give a user a privilege across the entire database.

SELECT 'GRANT SELECT ON '||schemaname||'.'||tablename||' TO fillinusername;' 
FROM pg_tables 
WHERE schemaname IN ('fillindatabasename', 'fillinschema') 
ORDER BY schemaname, tablename; 

In the above, you need to change:

  • fillinusername: The username you wish to grant privileges to.
  • fillindatabasename: The database within which you will be granting table privileges upon.
  • fillinschema: The schema the tables are contained within (usually “public”).

This will spit out a list like:

 GRANT SELECT ON fillinschema.table1 TO fillinusername;
 GRANT SELECT ON fillinschema.table2 TO fillinusername;
 GRANT SELECT ON fillinschema.table3 TO fillinusername;
 GRANT SELECT ON fillinschema.table4 TO fillinusername;
 GRANT SELECT ON fillinschema.table5 TO fillinusername;

Copy and paste that list back into PostgreSQL to execute the GRANT commands to get your user privileges set up. (If it’s a large list, output the command to a file and run them that way.)

Coming soon: A Web upon which every site has its own font

Within the next few major browser version releases, we should see the ability for websites to use custom fonts without fear of that font being “stolen” become a reality.

The Economist – Web font will flourish: True to type

WOFF (Web Open Font Format) allows designers to package fonts using either of the two major desktop formats—themselves remnants of font wars of yore—in a way approved by all major and most minor foundries. It doesn’t protect the typefaces with encryption, but with a girdle of ownership defined in clear text.

Future versions of browsers from the three groups will add full WOFF support. Apple’s Safari and its underlying WebKit rendering engine used for nearly all mobile operating systems’ browsers will adopt WOFF, as will Google Chrome and its variants. WOFF was proposed in October 2009, presented to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in April 2010 by Microsoft, the Mozilla Foundation and Opera Software, and adopted as a draft in July, remarkably quickly for such an about face.

At the annual meeting of the typoscenti at the Association Typographique Internationale (ATypI) last month in Dublin, all the web font talk was about WOFF and moving forward to offer more faces, services and integration, says John Berry, the president of ATypI, and part of Mr Daniels’ typography group at Microsoft. “The floodgates have opened,” says Mr Berry. “All the font foundries and many of the designers are offering their fonts or subsets of their fonts.”

Several sites now offer a subscription-based combination of font licensing and simple JavaScript code to insert on web pages to ensure that a specified type loads on browsers—even older ones still in use. Online font services include TypeKit, Webtype, and Monotype’s, to name but a few. Designers don’t load the faces on their own websites, but stream them as small packages, cached by browsers, from the licence owner’s servers.

The long-term effect of the campaign for real type will be a gradual branding of sites, whether those created by talented individuals or multi-billion-dollar corporations, or based on choices in templates used in blogging and other platforms. Just as a regular reader of the print edition of this newspaper can recognise it in a flash across a room, so, too, will an online edition have the pizazz (or lack thereof) of a print publication.

Ryerson alumni discounts

Note to self: The Alumni Card & Discounts page has a boatload of useful discounts alumni of the university can take advantage of, including 20% – 30% off admission to the ROM and 10% off at SoftMoc.