Assuming you’ve already uploaded all of the contents of the uploads/ folder into the Amazon S3 bucket (set to public), you now need to run the following SQL query to add rows to the wp_as3cf_items table:
INSERT IGNORE INTO wp_as3cf_items (provider,region,bucket,path,original_path,is_private,source_type,source_id,source_path,original_source_path,extra_info,originator,is_verified) SELECT 'aws', 'AWS_REGION_HERE', 'AWS_BUCKET_NAME_HERE', concat('wp-content/uploads/',SUBSTRING_INDEX(guid, 'wp-content/uploads/', -1) ) AS path, concat('wp-content/uploads/',SUBSTRING_INDEX(guid, 'wp-content/uploads/', -1)) AS original_path, 0, 'media-library', id as source_id, SUBSTRING_INDEX(guid, 'wp-content/uploads/', -1) AS source_path, SUBSTRING_INDEX(guid, 'wp-content/uploads/', -1) AS original_source_path, 'a:2:{s:13:"private_sizes";a:0:{}s:14:"private_prefix";s:0:"";}', 0, 1 FROM `wp_posts` WHERE `post_type` = 'attachment';
Make sure to replace AWS_REGION_HERE and AWS_BUCKET_NAME_HERE above; you may also need to adjust the CONCAT for path and original_path if your bucket has a complex folder structure.