Library and Archives Canada
Veronica Foster, an employee of the John Inglis Co. Ltd. Bren gun plant, known as “The Bren Gun Girl” poses with a finished Bren gun at the John Inglis Co. plant.
If I was the type of guy who framed and hung vintage photographs in his home, I’d put this one up. How ridiculously cool is this lady?
I agree! She is so hot and cool *swoon*
Swoon x50 000 ;)
FYI – Part 3 of a very interesting series on CBC, called “Love, Hate and Propaganda”, will have content about my mom RONNIE THE BREN GUN GIRL, who was a wartime poster girl. As “Ronnie The Bren Gun Girl”, she was Canada’s answer to the USA’s “Rosie The Riveter”. The series airs Thursday @ 9pm EST on the CBC and Friday @ 10pm EST on Newsworld. Reruns …also available at their website: http://www.cbc.ca/documentaries/lovehatepropaganda/episode-guide.html
hey Markeygirl. Just finished watching the “Love, Hate, and Propaganda” eposide you were refering to. Apparently Ronnie the Bren Gun Girl was on the Propaganda scene well before Rosie the Riveter. I guess “Rosie” had a better marketing agent. :)