Selectively taking commits out of a GitHub pull request

Once in a while it’s necessary to get picky and only accept one or more commits from a bundle sent over in a GitHub pull request – or maybe someone’s been working on a fork of a repository of yours and you want to pull a change or two in. The git command cherry-pick is there for this purpose.

To start, you’ll need to run git fetch on the forked repository:

git fetch [email protected]:hakimel/Fokus.git

Next, take the hash of the commit you want to retrieve files for and run the cherry-pick command on it:

git cherry-pick 00988a520bda3e365c74033a44a96941d77be86f

That should do it! Check your git log to see the commit pulled into your repository.

Source: StackOverflow – Pull in changes from a Github fork

Using XDebug with Aptana Studio 3, nginx and PHP-FPM

Instructions on how to step through your PHP code with XDebug seem to be an unholy mess online. After an hour of tinkering in Ubuntu 12.04 to get it working, I’ve come up with the ten steps listed below to get the combination of Ubuntu, Nginx, PHP-FPM, XDebug and Aptana Studio 3 working together. Here’s hoping this helps someone else out there.

1. Install php5-xdebug:

sudo apt-get install php5-xdebug

2. Edit the xdebug configuration file /etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/xdebug.ini , most notably changing the default port to 9001 as PHP-FPM itself runs a daemon on port 9000. We also change the log file location to /var/log/xdebug (remember to create this folder):



3. Restart PHP-FPM:

sudo /etc/init.d/php5-fpm reload

4. In Aptana Studio 3, we’ll start by ensuring that Aptana recognizes XDebug as being installed as a debugger on the system. Go to Window > Preferences > Aptana Studio > Editors > PHP > Debug. Ensure that under Installed Debuggers, XDebug is listed on port 9001.

5. While still in the Preferences window, go to General > Web Browser and change the option to Use external web browser. Leave Default system web browser marked.

6. Close the Preferences window and go to Run > Debug Configurations… Right-click PHP Web Page and select New.

7. Name your configuration whatever you’d like (localhost if you’re lacking ideas). Ensure that Server Debugger is set to XDebug. Create a new PHP Server by clicking the + button, and ensure that you set the Base URL and Document Root properly for the website you are trying to debug.

8. Almost done! We now need to Xdebug Helper in the Google Chrome browser. After it’s installed, enable it on your locally viewed web page by clicking the bug icon until it changes colour to green (if you hover over it, it will inform you that it has debugging enabled).

9. Let’s switch back to Aptana Studio 3. Under Window > Perspective, switch to Debug. We left the “Break on first line…” option under Window > Preferences > Aptana Studio > Editors > PHP > Debug, but you can just as easily double-click in the margin beside any line in your PHP script to add a breakpoint at that location. Navigate to a page that will execute that PHP script and watch as execution halts and your debugger steps in, giving you the ability to inspect variables or control execution at will.

10. Inspect the value of any variable quickly by adding the Expressions window while in Debug mode at Window > Show View > Expressions. Pop in a variable such as $page and press Enter to see the value immediately.

Need to switch back to regular coding view? Under Window > Perspective, switch to Web. Bear in mind that even outside of the Debug perspective your debugger will be active – click the bug icon in Chrome until it is grey to disable activating XDebug.

Mark Lynas repudiates the anti-genetically modified crops movement

This is a blockbuster speech – in the link, there is a video of Mark Lynas making a speech to the Oxford Farming Conference confessing that he’s been quite wrong on opposing genetically modified crops for reasons of not much more than being obstinately anti-science/progress.

It’s an incredible eye opener, and peaks the hopes that environmentalists who deride others for being anti-science when it comes to climate change indulge in some humility and take a good look at if they themselves are being anti-science in another sphere (anti-GMO).

Mark Lynas – Lecture to Oxford Farming Conference, 3 January 2013

I want to start with some apologies. For the record, here and upfront, I apologise for having spent several years ripping up GM crops. I am also sorry that I helped to start the anti-GM movement back in the mid 1990s, and that I thereby assisted in demonising an important technological option which can be used to benefit the environment.

As an environmentalist, and someone who believes that everyone in this world has a right to a healthy and nutritious diet of their choosing, I could not have chosen a more counter-productive path. I now regret it completely.

So I guess you’ll be wondering – what happened between 1995 and now that made me not only change my mind but come here and admit it? Well, the answer is fairly simple: I discovered science, and in the process I hope I became a better environmentalist.

When I first heard about Monsanto’s GM soya I knew exactly what I thought. Here was a big American corporation with a nasty track record, putting something new and experimental into our food without telling us. Mixing genes between species seemed to be about as unnatural as you can get – here was humankind acquiring too much technological power; something was bound to go horribly wrong. These genes would spread like some kind of living pollution. It was the stuff of nightmares.

These fears spread like wildfire, and within a few years GM was essentially banned in Europe, and our worries were exported by NGOs like Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth to Africa, India and the rest of Asia, where GM is still banned today. This was the most successful campaign I have ever been involved with.

This was also explicitly an anti-science movement. We employed a lot of imagery about scientists in their labs cackling demonically as they tinkered with the very building blocks of life. Hence the Frankenstein food tag – this absolutely was about deep-seated fears of scientific powers being used secretly for unnatural ends. What we didn’t realise at the time was that the real Frankenstein’s monster was not GM technology, but our reaction against it.

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Profiling a MySQL query to optimize performance

The Query Profiler in MySQL isn’t something I’ve spent much time in recently – with more sites making use of popular CMSes like WordPress, query performance isn’t something that’s top of mind anymore (Automatic seems to do a good job in this area). But it’s still a useful tool when you’ve already picked the low hanging fruit off of the optimization tree.

Profiling is enabled on an individual basis for each MySQL session; when the session ends, all profiling information is lost.

To check to see if profiling is currently enabled for your session, do:

mysql> SELECT @@profiling;
| @@profiling |
|           0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Next, enable profiling for all queries:

mysql> SET profiling = 1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

And run the query you’d like to see a breakdown for:

mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wp_posts;
| count(*) |
|   238121 |
1 row in set (18.80 sec)

Get the numeric ID of the profile we want to see:

| Query_ID | Duration | Query                                 |
|        1 | 18.80000 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wp_posts;        |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Finally, actually see the query profiled:

| Status                         | Duration  |
| starting                       |  0.000027 |
| checking query cache for query |  0.000041 |
| checking permissions           |  0.000017 |
| Opening tables                 |  0.000018 |
| System lock                    |  0.000008 |
| Table lock                     |  0.000037 |
| init                           |  0.000014 |
| optimizing                     |  0.000008 |
| statistics                     |  0.000016 |
| preparing                      |  0.000013 |
| executing                      |  0.000008 |
| Sending data                   | 18.802902 |
| end                            |  0.000015 |
| end                            |  0.000008 |
| query end                      |  0.000006 |
| storing result in query cache  |  0.000453 |
| freeing items                  |  0.000009 |
| closing tables                 |  0.000007 |
| logging slow query             |  0.000007 |
| logging slow query             |  0.000031 |
| cleaning up                    |  0.000005 |
21 rows in set (0.00 sec)

To get even more in depth, check out the optional type values for the SHOW PROFILE command, or use SHOW PROFILE ALL FOR QUERY 1; and view everything MySQL’s got at once.

The definition of “startup”

A startup is an organization formed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model.

Steve Blank: What’s A Startup? First Principles, January 25, 2010

Why the liberal arts are important: Learning to reflect

I hold a degree in computer science. I’ve been employed for 10+ years as a software developer. When the occasional news story comes out about liberal arts majors having trouble finding employment in today’s economy, there’s a part of me that feels smug. It says, “Yeah. All right. Go us. We made the right choice. We were rational about the job market.” And it is indeed very easy to indulge that part of myself by lapping up news that confirms my life choices.

But I’m also something of a contrarian. (Actually what’s probably more accurate is I hate to be wrong, so I feel compelled to understand the pro-arts side of the argument to prepare for it.) What is the appeal of the liberal arts in 2012? Are they necessary? In the end, I think my final position is that the liberal arts are important, and if a comparison must be done, they’re likely to  be more important than computer science or engineering. My reasoning: Engineering may allow us to live longer and better, but liberal arts let us find understanding in others and ourselves.

As evidence, I offer portions of a piece from 1997 by the late Earl Shorris. It’s about his attempt to teach a group of impoverished Americans about the humanities. It’s really quite profound and, I think, one of the only true ways to permanently solve poverty in the world. Enjoy the read.

Harper’s Magazine – On the Uses of a Liberal Education, Part II: As a weapon in the hands of the restless poor

We had never met before. The conversation around us focused on the abuse of women. [Viniece Walker]’s eyes were perfectly opaque—hostile, prison eyes. Her mouth was set in the beginning of a sneer.

“You got to begin with the children,” she said, speaking rapidly, clipping out the street sounds as they came into her speech.

She paused long enough to let the change of direction take effect, then resumed the rapid, rhythmless speech. “You’ve got to teach the moral life of downtown to the children. And the way you do that, Earl, is by taking them downtown to plays, museums, concerts, lectures, where they can learn the moral life of downtown.”

I smiled at her, misunderstanding, thinking I was indulging her. “And then they won’t be poor anymore?”

She read every nuance of my response, and answered angrily, “And they won’t be poor no more.”

“What you mean is—”

“What I mean is what I said—a moral alternative to the street.”

She didn’t speak of jobs or money. In that, she was like the others I had listened to. No one had spoken of jobs or money. But how could the “moral life of downtown” lead anyone out from the surround of force? How could a museum push poverty away? Who can dress in statues or eat the past? And what of the political life? Had Niecie skipped a step or failed to take a step? The way out of poverty was politics, not the “moral life of downtown.”

But to enter the public world, to practice the political life, the poor had first to learn to reflect. That was what Niecie meant by the “moral life of downtown.” She did not make the error of divorcing ethics from politics. Niecie had simply said, in a kind of shorthand, that no one could step out of the panicking circumstance of poverty directly into the public world.

Although she did not say so, I was sure that when she spoke of the “moral life of downtown” she meant something that had happened to her. With no job and no money, a prisoner, she had undergone a radical transformation. She had followed the same path that led to the invention of politics in ancient Greece. She had learned to reflect.

In further conversation it became clear that when she spoke of “the moral life of downtown” she meant the humanities, the study of human constructs and concerns, which has been the source of reflection for the secular world since the Greeks first stepped back from nature to experience wonder at what they beheld.

If the political life was the way out of poverty, the humanities provided an entrance to reflection and the political life. The poor did not need anyone to release them; an escape route existed. But to open this avenue to reflection and politics a major distinction between the preparation for the life of the rich and the life of the poor had to be eliminated.

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5 questions great job candidates ask

There are lots of articles like these on the Web that have terrible questions in them and exist solely as SEO bait. As a rare exception, I thought the first three of these five questions were terrific, and something I personally experienced during my interviews when I was looking for jobs in Pensacola. – 5 Questions Great Job Candidates Ask

What do you expect me to accomplish in the first 60 to 90 days?

Great candidates want to hit the ground running. They don’t want to spend weeks or months “getting to know the organization.”

They want to make a difference–right away.

What are the common attributes of your top performers?

Great candidates also want to be great long-term employees. Every organization is different, and so are the key qualities of top performers in those organizations.

Maybe your top performers work longer hours. Maybe creativity is more important than methodology. Maybe constantly landing new customers in new markets is more important than building long-term customer relationships. Maybe it’s a willingness to spend the same amount of time educating an entry-level customer as helping an enthusiast who wants high-end equipment.

Great candidates want to know, because 1) they want to know if they fit, and 2) if they do fit, they want to be a top performer.

What are a few things that really drive results for the company?

Employees are investments, and every employee should generate a positive return on his or her salary. (Otherwise why are they on the payroll?)

In every job some activities make a bigger difference than others. You need your HR folks to fill job openings… but what you really want is for HR to find the right candidates because that results in higher retention rates, lower training costs, and better overall productivity.

You need your service techs to perform effective repairs… but what you really want is for those techs to identify ways to solve problems and provide other benefits–in short, to generate additional sales.

Great candidates want to know what truly makes a difference. They know helping the company succeed means they succeed as well.

What do employees do in their spare time?

Happy employees 1) like what they do and 2) like the people they work with.

Granted this is a tough question to answer. Unless the company is really small, all any interviewer can do is speak in generalities.

What’s important is that the candidate wants to make sure they have a reasonable chance of fitting in–because great job candidates usually have options.

How do you plan to deal with…?

Every business faces a major challenge: technological changes, competitors entering the market, shifting economic trends… there’s rarely a Warren Buffett moat protecting a small business.

So while a candidate may see your company as a stepping-stone, they still hope for growth and advancement… and if they do eventually leave, they want it to be on their terms and not because you were forced out of business.

Say I’m interviewing for a position at your bike shop. Another shop is opening less than a mile away: How do you plan to deal with the new competitor? Or you run a poultry farm (a huge industry in my area): What will you do to deal with rising feed costs?

A great candidate doesn’t just want to know what you think; they want to know what you plan to do–and how they will fit into those plans.

Getting Aptana Studio 3 to ignore extremely large folders in your project

I’m in the midst of a website conversion to WordPress, and the resulting import of images to the uploads/ folder is somewhere north of 8 GB. My IDE, Aptana Studio 3, tries to scan the folder every time I refresh the project or do code completion. I was on the verge of ditching Aptana altogether when I hit upon the answer:

  1. Move the large folder you wish to have Aptana ignore out of your project and replace it with an empty folder.
  2. Refresh the project to ensure the empty folder appears in the project.
  3. Right-click on the empty folder and select Properties, and then Resource.
  4. Under Attributes, check Derived.
  5. Copy the contents of the folder back into place – Aptana should ignore it and keep UI responsiveness quick.


All hail the generalist

I’ll have to buy Mr. Mansharamani a drink or two if I ever meet him at a bar. I’ve considered myself a generalist for nearly a decade, but I’ve at times had difficulty explaining how useful it is to have a broader viewpoint when looking at specific problems.

All Hail the Generalist

Approximately 2,700 years ago, the Greek poet Archilochus wrote that “The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.” Isaiah Berlin’s 1953 essay “The Fox and the Hedgehog” contrasts hedgehogs that “relate everything to a single, central vision” with foxes who “pursue many ends connected…if at all, only in some de facto way.” It’s really a story of specialists vs. generalists.

In the six decades since Berlin’s essay was published, hedgehogs have come to dominate academia, medicine, finance, law, and many other professional domains. Specialists with deep expertise have ruled the roost, climbing to higher and higher positions. To advance in one’s career, it was most efficient to specialize.

For various reasons, though, the specialist era is waning. The future may belong to the generalist. Why’s that? To begin, our highly interconnected and global economy means that seemingly unrelated developments can affect each other. Consider the Miami condo market, which has rebounded quite nicely since 2008 on the back of strong demand from Latin American buyers. But perhaps a slowdown in China, which can take away the “bid” for certain industrial commodities, might adversely affect many of the Latin American extraction-based companies, countries, and economies. How many real estate professionals in Miami are closely watching Chinese economic developments?

Secondly, specialists toil within a singular tradition and apply formulaic solutions to situations that are rarely well-defined. This often results in intellectual acrobatics to justify one’s perspective in the face of conflicting data. Think about Alan Greenspan’s public admission of “finding a flaw” in his worldview. Academics and serious economists were dogmatically dedicated to the efficient market hypothesis — contributing to the inflation of an unprecedented credit bubble between 2001 and 2007.

Finally, there appears to be reasonable and robust data suggesting that generalists are better at navigating uncertainty. Professor Phillip Tetlock conducted a 20+ year study of 284 professional forecasters. He asked them to predict the probability of various occurrences both within and outside of their areas of expertise. Analysis of the 80,000+ forecasts found that experts are less accurate predictors than non-experts in their area of expertise.

Tetlock’s conclusion: when seeking accuracy of predictions, it is better to turn to those like “Berlin’s prototypical fox, those who know many little things, draw from an eclectic array of traditions, and accept ambiguity and contradictions.” Ideological reliance on a single perspective appears detrimental to one’s ability to successfully navigate vague or poorly-defined situations (which are more prevalent today than ever before).

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The skills gap myth: Survey reveals why companies can’t find “good people”

As a software developer I’m always bemused by the leaders of industry who lament the lack of skilled workers to fill open positions in my field. It seems that too many forget one of the most basic rules of capitalism: If demand is low, you’re not offering enough value. As it fits this scenario: If developers aren’t applying for your position, you’re not offering enough compensation.

This is rather cynical, but I imagine that these pronouncements aren’t for my ears anyways: They’re made to justify keeping “information technology professionals” on the overtime exempt list, or to raise immigration caps for technology workers. (Which is often well justified, but I wonder at the distortion it introduces to the domestic labour pool.) – The Skills Gap Myth: Why Companies Can’t Find Good People

The first thing that makes me wonder about the supposed “skill gap” is that, when pressed for more evidence, roughly 10% of employers admit that the problem is really that the candidates they want won’t accept the positions at the wage level being offered. That’s not a skill shortage, it’s simply being unwilling to pay the going price.

But the heart of the real story about employer difficulties in hiring can be seen in the Manpower data showing that only 15% of employers who say they see a skill shortage say that the issue is a lack of candidate knowledge, which is what we’d normally think of as skill. Instead, by far the most important shortfall they see in candidates is a lack of experience doing similar jobs.

Employers are not looking to hire entry-level applicants right out of school. They want experienced candidates who can contribute immediately with no training or start-up time. That’s certainly understandable, but the only people who can do that are those who have done virtually the same job before, and that often requires a skill set that, in a rapidly changing world, may die out soon after it is perfected.

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